Friday, November 17, 2006

SHRINK RAP ::: Lighting a Fuse

Sixteen years ago today, I got sent out of my PE class permanently due to "excessive absences". I'd like to state, however, that it was more of a chronic mix-up in scheduling. You see, the teacher was always away on a sports meet and you wouldn't know if he would show up or not unless you waited in the gym for the duration of the class. But I had other important things to busy myself with aside than playing his little guessing game.

The rest of the day went on but I don't remember feeling much else other than fear--that sick-to-your-stomach kind of dread that leads to anxiety attacks. As I walked home, I replayed the scene over and over in my head until I reached the general vicinity of my house. Libay saw me approaching and blurted at me (with such disregard for tact that is a Tanzang Luma trademark) that Lola Delang had passed away. I felt a vacuum in my gut.

She had been ailing for months with multiple complications. At night, we would hear her calling out names of her dead relatives and wailing like a child. We knew the worst would come sooner. I just didn't expect two blows in one day.

When I got home, I remember people being calm and speaking in hushed voices. A few had tears in their eyes. I didn't intend to tell them the latest reason why I thought PE was pointless.

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