Tuesday, April 24, 2007

U2 ::: Just a Couple of Things

Bono on the TIME 100 list. Undeniably, two previous appearances should be enough to land him a third.

I was just there smirking at the Top 5 Most Influential. Not gonna say anything about that.(Mmust...shut...trappp!) Anyway, his average rating is still 90 even though I gave him a hundred. But he's doing pretty good. Plus, his big noggin's on American Idle this week so that should send a substantial percentage of vote-crazy US to drag-and-click here.

So tell me again why Rain is #2?

Friday, April 20, 2007

RIGHT BRAIN ::: Act Together

Child, do not be weary with the troubles of this world. I have overcome.
Are you listening? Are you getting this? Maybe you've been going too fast.

Easy pleasy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

RIGHT BRAIN ::: Insanely

Come on! Seriously, what other reason could I possibly need?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

U2 ::: John Frusciante's Don't Cut It

I bust my gut on this one. Props to Wicca for bringing it up.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

RIGHT BRAIN ::: Sounds Like a Plan

The following is off JessicaRulestheUniverse.com:
Hala, sige! Lumayas kayong lahat at magsiksikan kayo sa Boracay! At huwag na kayong babalik! I love Manila when it’s empty. No traffic, no noise (manageable levels of pasyon sung to the tune of Boom Tarat), cleaner air. I make this suggestion every year at Lent; no one ever listens to me, but I’ll say it again: Let’s barricade Metropolitan Manila so everyone who went on vacation can’t return to clog it! If they want to come in, they have to present a Manila visa. Which doesn’t exist so they’re barred forever nyahahaha!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

RIGHT BRAIN ::: Maundy Moored (Stupidest Title Ever)

From www.st-michaels-buffalo.org/Definitions.htm via Google:
Maundy is from a Latin word meaning "Mandate" or Commandment. It reminds us that on the Thursday before Jesus Christ was crucified he instituted the Holy Communion at the Last Supper. At that Supper he commanded his disciples to continue with this celebration of Holy Communion as a way of remembering what his death accomplished. He also commanded his disciples to serve others by using the image of the washing of the feet of his disciples.
It's a five-day weekend. While there aren't any 'Maundies' in our house as to how we should carry out this Holy day, the extreme heat and boredom compels me to do something, anything, just to make it to bedtime. Since I'm neither pagan nor one who considers herself Catholic, I cannot (by default) follow or shun a structured set of activities.

NB: I highly appreciate the break. I thank everyone responsible for giving me five glorious days away from the office and its persnickety droids. Wa-hooey!

As early as Monday, I've been asking around for what stuff the remaining (!) Tropang Puyat® are going to be busy with. Everyone was drawing a blank. Obviously, things would have been different if Eloi were around. I mean we probably could have worked something out even if we play it by ear. For as long as the "leader" was up and about, there was some semblance of a plan. That's not to say I don't take any initiative. I do, except I tend to lose interest pretty quickly.

Anyway, I'm glad I went over to Lola Alice's to check on the Dee family and the under-four-feet posse. Turns out they will be heading out tonight for their visita iglesia. I was also told that since each year, they've mostly circled around etivac, it would be interesting to take it to Manila and see the old citaay! Now, I'm feeling the love. Don't it take so little? So very little.

We should be hitting the highway around 7 o'grady.