Warning: Pompous ranting below
By this time, I've resigned to the fact that I will NEVER see the Vertigo Tour. To say that the odds are stacked high against me is an understatement. And so I will relish the remaining dates of this tour by reading about the setlists and viewing concert photos taken by lucky ducks whom I sincerely hope are true fans who know their U2. It would be utterly painful to find out they just happened to think it was the cool thing to do on a lazy night.
Given my lack of fundage, I shall therefore resort to concert DVDs of the best band in the world for the remainder of the year. A few are ripe for picking at the local Tower Records:
- Zoo TV Live
From Sydney
- Elevation 2001 Live
From Boston
- Vertigo 2005 Live
From Chicago
- and the upcoming limted edition deluxe CD/DVD U218
which drops Monday, November 20.
You can guess where my Christmas money will be going.
P.S. It seems I won last Topic of the Week. Thanks! As for the prize, this entry gives a little more than a nudge-wink. HAHA!