First off, how the heck did I get 3,645 views for this blog?? I know for a fact that that's impossible because I don't post as often as paulvincent does whenever a word comes to his mind. (don't worry, dude, I'm voting for you back. thanks.) So my guess is something's wrong with the site's stats program or whatever software the use to monitor traffic. At any rate, that makes no difference to me...
OK. So Mobbed (or "mopt" according to Max) has this new thing where members vote for best blog of the month. By the way, thank you, Fiz, for clearing that up. I remember someone messaged me a few weeks back asking for feedback on the whole thing and I sorta hinted them to pick interesting blog entries. Well, they didn't do that and instead have come up with this Best Blog of the Month voting thing. I'm not complaining though, lest some knucklehead thinks I'm being sarcastic.
Now look, can you see this thing turning into a popularity contest? Alliances, schemes, that sort of thing? Gosh darn before we know it, it's become the Big Brother house! And I can't wait to find out how that unfolds here in the Mobbed arena. Hey, money could even be involved. LOL! Ohhh this is gonna be exciting. The drama, the deception, the intrigue! It's freakin All My Children meets Melrose Place!
OK, so much for the sugar rush. Vote for this blog if you believe in truth, justice, and freedom fries!!
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