Thursday, April 27, 2006

Humbug Part Deux: More Humbug.

But let's say I wasn't turning in as much compared to those poor, unsuspecting people she mentioned. Excuse me but have you read their stuff? Misspelling, typos, and grammatical errors too painful to laugh about. Seriously, does that kind of work look anywhere near publishable? If we were putting out a newsletter for roadhouse janitors in Chinese I'd say yeah!

What I want to explain is my reason for taking a little more time with my work is because I actually bother to research a bit before I even take a certain angle. I'm proud to say that because I try to be credible those columnists I've submitted my editorials to have actually published my stuff verbatim. Research, baby. Look it up.

I'm just really upset that despite my efforts to be resourceful and to contribute in every way I can even beyond my job description and with zero tools, my superiors don't have any idea about any of it, hence, accuse me of dilly-dallying.