Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Journalism is a science, not a form of art. Why do I say that? Because art knows no deadlines while quality will always be compromised in the name of journalism.

I got me a ribbing from my boss today because I failed to turn in a speech I was supposed to write for the company's top dawg. The job was assigned to me early yesterday morning and was due last night...except I wasn't told that last important bit of info until I got home later that same evening.

It wasn't her only problem with me. She also said it takes me too long to finish a column feed whereas she was doing two in a day before we came along.

Of course, that was all a load of crap, not all was necessarily true. You who are reading this might, not surprisingly, say I'm being biased but, in my defense, I wasn't told everything I needed to know. To top it all off, I still (after nearly six months in the company) have yet to be provided my own workstation. So in order for me to produce my output, I have to scour the whole office and look for someone who's not using their computer, which is pretty difficult when everyone who was given one uses theirs the whole time.

I really think it was unfair for her to say that especially how I've made a lot of sacrifices on the job that I never speak of. Like the time I freakin' went on a walking tour of Paco (some areas of which were so poorly lit even muggers wouldn't dare hang about) looking for an address she herself had no idea where. And when I did find the house, it turns out I was supposed to bring something there when she only told me to go there! They didn't hear nothing from me when I had to go back to the office to get the thing I needed to bring to the wretched address.