Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Echoes of Ani DiFranco

I love Gmail. It's got the most efficient spam filtering system on the planet, enought to make me think they're the source of all that crap. Hardly. If there's anyone left out there who still doesn't have a Gmail account, let me know "why" and tell me where I can send you an invite.

Taking my cue from Paris Hilton, I think I was exceptionally proficient today. I finished a couple of lengthy articles all before 4 pm and I bet my employer would probably sigh and remark how I deserve every bit of the minimum wage they call "basic salary"...but we all know they don't give a monkey's, right? Screw the suits.

Don't get me all mixed up. I love writing but it's a challenge to be a PR writer for the government. That's why I hope there are still some folks out there who are independent thinkers, people who refuse to be fooled by the media.

Everybody is looking out for number one, including those who claim to be watchdogs. But they're more like lapdogs. I'm serious. Mass media is a business and the more shock value a story/piece has, the better it sells. Yeah, big surprise there. So I guess what I'm driving at is give both sides of an issue their space in your thoughts. Everyone's got their dark side.