Monday, April 24, 2006


Manila Bay has been nothing short of visually stunning these past few weeks and mainly due to clear blue skies of "summer".

No, the Philippines doesn't have summer because if there were then there should be autumn (which I long to see) and the rest of them seasons. However, for the millions who don't know squat about the Philippines, this part of the year is when the temperature reaches punitive levels so might as well call it "summer", right?

Anyway, at midday—when it's insane to walk outside in that heat—is when the water becomes dark blue and you'll see yachts heading out to the horizon, foamy white wake and all. It just dawns on you how God knew where to place things.

Moving on to other developments. I spent the whole weekend blowing my nose and napping. Yep, I had the flu, the perennially untimely sickness. You know, I could have had it on a weekday. Why didn't it take me down on a Tuesday or Wednesday? Why did it have to spoil the only two days where I'm not rushing to be somewhere.

The lack of photos to share is what makes writing about hometown stuff uninteresting. That plus the fact that I suck at description, which means a career writing romance novels will never get off the ground for me.

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