Wednesday, November 16, 2005

U2 ::: Bono of the Year

Well, atleast that's what I'm hoping for.

I was checking out and learned that TIME Magazine's Person of the Year online poll has Bono (or Yer Man--depending on who says it) in the running. I clicked to the site, voted, and found the following results* :

33% J.K. Rowling

19% Mother Nature

12% Bono

9% Steve Jobs

7% Lance Armstrong

5% The Google Guys

4% George W. Bush

3% Pope Benedict XVI

3% Condoleezza Rice

2% Bill and Melinda Gates

2% Valerie Plame

1% Rick Warren

I'm like, "Rowling???" Come on, where was she the rest of the year if not talking about the SAME book with the same UNORIGINAL story/characters. I would've been fine with Bush or Pope Benedict XVI since their actions did affect major demographic. But J.K. Rowling? Who's the knucklehead who nominated her? If she gets this then I'll have to conclude that TIME magazine writing has gone adolescent. You probably think I'm overreacting but I'm just apalled by this news. It somehow makes the world look like it's run by bourgeoise groupies. No dice. Well, what are you stalling there for? Get to the site and vote. You lazybones can click here.

*updated 12/07/2005 - Mother Nature doesn't need an award to affirm herself!

1 comment:

  1. you know i voted for yer man in this one.
    seriously, jk rowling? totally agree - if anything they should put harry potter.
    but i'm pretty sure mr. bono won't win either way.
