Tuesday, January 22, 2008

SHRINK RAP ::: Walking the Plank

I can't swim. Really can't. Dunno how. I've never tried to learn either. All I can do is wade. Meaning I'm used to doing things the hard way. It's not that I prefer it, 'cause that would be just plain stupid, but there's a certain satisfaction to getting something done knowing you lacked the necessities to do so in the first place. Masochistic? OK, forget it.

Anyway, that's what I'm faced with right now because I've chosen to walk the plank.

The water looks pretty deep, too. It's no kiddie pool, which is what I'm used to. I managed to take a barge. At least I got that, right?

I'm hoping my pathetic predicament won't make me lose it totally. My barge and I. Crizazy.

Oh and those giant waves will either crush me or carry me to the shore with my sense of self intact. I'm praying for the latter. Although they don't look like they're likely to show me any mercy.

Sorry these analogies are a little too excessive. It's just that I don't feel it would capture the essence of what I'm feeling to write just the plain details.

1 comment:

  1. its okay i dont know how to swim either. we can just float together.
