Thursday, January 04, 2007

Switchin to High Gear

It's my first post for '07, people! How merry was your Christmas? Mine was meritocatic! ("Look at the Philippines", he says again. Geez!) Granted, our large family has slimmed down a bit this year, down to the bare essentials, actually. What with my sister abroad and my brother at work. But that has never been an issue for us. We partaay whenever and however. Just as long as you got food and singing. Ain't that how it is with all Pinoy gatherings. Music is our wine!

So, anyway, at the moment, I'm planning for a change of atmosphere which I hope will materialize within Q1. I don't know how good I am at surveying before I jump into totally new terrain but I want this bad enough, I figured I'll get by.

I KNOW that last paragraph just didn't make any sense at all. Just bear with me this one time, I'll reveal things when it's within grasp.

That will be all for now. By the way, I got POP Inc back on TV. Weird.