I haven't posted anything worth my while in an eternity because I've been swamped with other things going on in my 'nutherworld. The good news is I've finally sent the financial dead weight also known as my laptop to the repair guy and will, hopefully, be working tomorrow. If that should come to pass, I'll get to share some photos that have been stewing in various storage devices for a long time.
U2 turns a ripe 30 tomorrow, September 25th, which also happens to be my baby brother's 16th birthday. (:::applause:::) I brag that I have the same birthday as Adam but its no contest with him.
So anyway, I don't know if anyone's ever pointed it out (except for @U2.com's regular calendar blurbs on the front page) that U2's New Orleans performance on Monday night (Tuesday for us) marks their 30th anniversary. I understand how they're probably not putting much emphasis on it since it's just a number but it's also possible that the book and the pre-game show IS the commemoration. I don't know. C, what do you see?
By the way, these guys are such expert business travelers aren't they? London on Friday, Dublin on Saturday, Manhattan on Tuesday--three islands in less than a week. I'd love to know what perks they got.