The problem with being too philosophical is that it can be easy to get caught up in your own thoughts. Think too much about people's motivations and societal complications right now, and you will get overwhelmed by the sheer scope of things. Instead, turn your philosophical scope down to a pinpoint of light, and let it illuminate your personal life. For now, just focus on the people in your life and what they're thinking about. That will make you feel like you can make a difference.
Hardly calling this one advice but I can't argue with it. And even with just focusing on the people I am overwhelmed. Maybe that's why it's easier to philosophize on a general scope. So how appropriate can the Current Favorite Song be?
Beautiful Mystery
Caedmon's Call
I tried to know
Every mystery
Soon realized, no
It was too much for me
'Cause most things true
Are simple and complex
So it is with You
What else should I expect
You suffer the seeker
In You they abide
You are to me
A beautiful mystery
You are to me
A Servant and a King
You're a beautiful mystery
You're like the water
I can feel but not grasp
Still You say all I've gotta do
Is seek and knock and ask
You are to the river
What hems it in and sets it free
The truth is a river
Where the strong can swim down deep
The weak and the broken
Can walk across so easily
Caedmon's Call
I tried to know
Every mystery
Soon realized, no
It was too much for me
'Cause most things true
Are simple and complex
So it is with You
What else should I expect
You suffer the seeker
In You they abide
You are to me
A beautiful mystery
You are to me
A Servant and a King
You're a beautiful mystery
You're like the water
I can feel but not grasp
Still You say all I've gotta do
Is seek and knock and ask
You are to the river
What hems it in and sets it free
The truth is a river
Where the strong can swim down deep
The weak and the broken
Can walk across so easily